Universal Immunization Programme (UIP)

Title of the Scheme

Universal Immunization Programme (UIP)

Division (E-mail ID) Immunization (Premnarayan38[at]nic[dot]in)
Funding Pattern of Scheme 100 Percent Funded by the central government.
 Short note UIP is one of the key interventions for protection of children from life threatening conditions by providing vaccination.
Beneficiaries & Eligibility Criteria All children and Pregnant women.
Types of Benefits Material & Services
How to Avail Benefits In nearest government/PSU/Local body/Autonomous body health facility.
Website of the Scheme; Detailed PDF Detailed PDF
Validity of the Scheme Perpetual
Keywords UIP, Universal Immunization Programme, VPDs,AEFI, Immunization Schedule, Polio, Measles, JE