Archives News and Highlights

News and Highlights
S No. Title Link Document Date
286 Order dated 25.05.2018 of Hon'ble Supreme Court regarding extension of last date for admission to PG Medical Courses - reg. 08-08-2018
287 Letter of Permission in respect of 5 New Medical Colleges for the year 2018-19 08-08-2018
288 MBBS 2018-19-Letters for documents 08-08-2018
289 Seventy-first World Health Assembly
    290 Public Notice- New Medical Colleges/ Increase Intake capacity in existing Medical Colleges- Permission for 2018-19 08-08-2018
    291 Public Notice- Issue of letter of Permission for PG Super-Specialty Courses 2018-19 08-08-2018
    292 Extension the Date of Submission of Bids RFP for Assets value of HLL Lifecare Ltd. 08-08-2018
    293 Recognition of Medical Colleges 08-08-2018
    294 Advisory to the States/UTs for Common Counselling with Regard to Clause 9(A) and 9(7) of the PGMER, 2000 11-04-2018
    295 Appointment of DGHS - 29.03.2018 04-04-2018
    296 Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Packaging and Labelling) Amendment Rules 2018
      297 CMSE - 2017 Cadre Allocation 26-03-2018
      298 Extension the Date of Submission of Bids RFP for Assets value of HLL Lifecare Ltd. 23-03-2018
      299 Comments on Draft Digital Information Security in Health Care Act.(DISHA) 23-03-2018
      300 Extension of Time limit for completion of e-APARs of CHS and Dental Doctors for 2016-17 on Sparrow 19-03-2018
