National programme for Prevention & Management of Trauma & Burn Injuries (NPPMT&BI)

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Title of the scheme

National programme for Prevention & Management of Trauma & Burn Injuries (NPPMT&BI)


Trauma & Burns Division (PMU), Hospital- II Section

Funding pattern of scheme

Sharing pattern of 60:40 (Central share: State Share), 90:10 for North-East & Hilly States and 100% Funding in respect of UTs without legislatur.

Brief description

The programme have two components-Trauma Care & Burn Injury management. The programme on Trauma care was initiated on pilot mode during 9th FYP to strengthen the Emergency Facilities on National Highways in Government Hospitals. Thereafter, the programme was implemented at a National level during 11th & 12th FYP period along with other technical components such as-National injury Surveillance Center, Pre-Hospital Trauma Technician Course, trainings for Nurses & Doctors in BLS & ATLS respectively, IEC activities on first-aid/good Samaritan etc. The programme on Burn Injury Management was initiated on pilot mode during the 11th FYP and was implemented oat a National level during 12th FYP period along with various other activities undertaken. Both these components merged into NPPMT&BI after 12th FYP i.e. 2017 into one under the umbrella scheme-‘Territory Care Programmes’ of Ministry of Health & FW. 

Beneficiaries & eligibility criteria

Government District Hospitals/Civil Hospitals/Medical Colleges with 100 or more beds (less beds in respect of NE/hilly region States) located on or near National/State Highways/other accident prone roads for Trauma Care Facility.  

State Government Medical College For Burn Unit with high case loads.

Types of benefits

Financial assistance to develop the existing trauma care facilities in terms of infrastructure-OT/ICU/wards for poly trauma etc, procurement of essential equipments & hiring of human resource required to provide trauma care services, communication services.

How to avail benefits

The State Governments were required to identify the Hospitals and submit proposals in the requisition formats, examination in Trauma & Burns Unit, feasibility analysis followed by filed visits and approval by Screening Committee & subsequently by Hon’ble HFM.

Website URL or detailed pdf (forwarded to NIC)

Brief of the programme-Trauma Care
Brief of the Programme-Burns
Monitoring format-Trauma
Monitoring Format-Burns
Posters & charts-Print IEC material

Validity of the scheme

Upto March 2020


NPPMT&BI,, Trauma & Burns, Tertiary care programmes

Contact Person

Mr. M.K Singh, Under Secretary, Hospital II, MoHFW, 23061521.
Programme Management Unit (PMU)-Room No 100-D, Nirman Bhawan
Room No 531-C Wing (Technical Wing), Nirman Bhawan headed by Dr. Tanu Jain, ADG, Dte. GHS.