Archives News and Highlights

News and Highlights
S No. Title Document Date
451 Public Notice -Status of Compliance 30-08-2017
452 Public Notice-Recognition of medical colleges on O.C directions 30-08-2017
453 Central pool MBBS-BDS 2016-17 intimation letter for donors 30-08-2017
454 Central pool MBBS-BDS seats allocation for 2016-17 30-08-2017
455 Public Notice-Display of details of Admitted Candidates 30-08-2017
456 Clarification regarding enhancement of age supervision of CHS Doctor to 65 Years 30-08-2017
457 Seeking comments of stakeholder on draft amendment notification of CHS recruitment rules 2014 30-08-2017
458 Delegations of powers to financial adviser to accord exemption for air travel in airline other then Air India in Individual cases 30-08-2017
459 Corrigendum 1:REOI for Design, Development, Integration, Deployment, Implementation & Maintenance of IHIP 30-08-2017
460 Letter permitting increase in MBBS seats-notification recognition of colleges as per directives of OC 30-08-2017
461 Letter of permission-recognition on notification on the approval of OC 30-08-2017
462 Notification - Recognition of medical colleges on OC approval 30-08-2017
463 Medical College Applications 2017-18 30-08-2017
464 Training Calendar for MRO & MRT 30-08-2017
465 Notification of Japanese Encephalitis cases 30-08-2017
