Constitutional Provisions
Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare (Swasthya Aur Parivar Kalyan Mantralaya)
A. Department Of Health And Family Welfare (Swasthya Aur Parivar Kalyan Vibhag)
I.Union Business
- 1. Union agencies and institutes for research or for the promotion of special studies in medicine and nutrition including all matters relating to –
- (a) Central Research Institute.
- (b) All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health.
- (c) National Institute of Communicable Diseases.
- (d) Central Drugs Laboratory.
- (e) Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Nursing.
- (f) Lady Reading Health School.
- (g) Central Institute of Psychiatry.
- (h) Dr.Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and Nursing Home.
- (i) Safdarjang Hospital.
- (j) Medical Stores Organisation.
- (k) B.C.G. Vaccine Laboratory.
- (l) Jawaharlal Institute of Post-Graduate Medical Education and Research.
- (m) Smt. Sucheta Kirpalani Medical College and Hospital and Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital.
- (n) Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS).
- (o) Central Health Service.
- (p) Serologist and Chemical Examiner to the Government of India.
- (q) National AIDS Control Organisation(NACO).
- 2. All matters relating to the following Institutions-
- (a) Central Food Laboratory.
- (b) Central Food and Standardization Laboratory.
- (c) Central Indian Pharmacopoeia Laboratory.
- (d) All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
- (e) National Tuberculosis Institute.
- (f) Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute.
- (g) Regional Leprosy Training and Research Centre, Raipur (Uttar Pradesh), Aska (Orissa), Gauripur(West Bengal), Teetulmari (Bihar).
- (h) Port Quarantine (sea and air) seamen's and marine hospitals and hospitals connected with port quarantine.
- (i) Port and Air Port Health Organisations.
- (j) Medical Examination of seamen.
- (k) International Health Regulations.
- (l) World Health Organisation (WHO)
- 3. (a) The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (34 of 2006)
(b) The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 (37 of 1954) and the Central Food Laboratory. - 4. Higher training abroad in medical and allied subjects.
- 5. Coordination of work in respect of International Conferences in India and abroad in medical and related fields.
- 6. Health Programmes relating to-
- (a) International aid for Health Programmes.
- (b) National Programme for Control of Blindness.
- (c) National Leprosy Eradication Programme.
- (d) National Tuberculosis Control Programme.
- (e) National Malaria Eradication Programme.
- (f) All National Programmes relating to control and eradication of communicable diseases.
- (g) Bilateral Cultural Exchange Programmes relating to control and eradication of communicable diseases.
- 7. Fellowships-for training in India and abroad in various medical and health subjects.
- 8. Matters relating to epidemics - Problems connected with supply of medicines, effects of malnutrition and shortage of drinking water leading to various diseases as a result of natural calamities.
II. List of Business for Legislative and Executive Purposes in Respect of Union Territories.
- 9. Public Health hospitals and dispensaries.
- 10. Scientific societies and associations pertaining to subjects dealt with in the Department.
- 11. Charitable and religious endowments pertaining to subjects dealt with in the Department.
III. List of Business with which the Central Government Deal in A Legislative Capacity Only for The Union and in Both Legislative and Executive Capacities for All Union Territories.
- 12. All Matters relating to-
- (a) The Medical profession and medical education.
- (b) The nursing profession and nursing education.
- (c) Pharmacists and Pharmacy education.
- (d) The dental profession and dental education.
- (e) Mental Health.
- (f) Drugs Standards.
- (g) Advertisements relating to drugs and medicines.
- (h) Prevention of the extension from one State to another of infectious or contagious diseases affecting human beings.
- (i) Prevention of adulteration of foodstuffs and drugs.
- (j) Regulatory aspects namely, quality, safety, labeling and performance of medical devices
IV. Miscellaneous Business
- 13. All Matters relating to-
- (a) The Medical Council of India.
- (b) The Central Councils of Health and Family Welfare.
- (c) Dental Council of India.
- (d) Indian Nursing Council.
- (e) Pharmacy Council of India
- (f) Indian Pharmacopoeia Committee.
- (g)National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Profession.
- 14. Concession of medical attendance and treatment for Central Government servants other than (i) those in Railway Service (ii) those paid from Defence Service Estimates (iii) officers governed by the All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954 and (iv) officers governed by the Medical Attendance Rules, 1956.
- 15. Medical Examination and Medical Boards for Central Civil Services [other than those controlled by the Department of Railways and those paid from Defence Services Estimates excepting Civilian Services].
- 15(A) Rasthriya Swasthya Bima Yojana
- 16. All Matters relating to-
- (a) Grants to Vallabh Bhai Patel Chest Institute (under Delhi university).
- (b) Grants to Indian Red Cross Society.
- (c) Spas and Health resorts.
- (d) National Board of Examination.
- (e) Chittaranjan National Cancer Research Centre.
- (f) All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- (g) All India Institute of Speech and Hearing.
- (h) Pasteur Institute of India.
- (i)Physiotherapy Training Centre, King Edward Memorial Hospital.
- (j) National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences.
- (k) Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation Limited
V. Family Welfare Matters
- 17. Policy and organisation for Family Welfare.
- 18. All matters relating to:-
- (a) National Rural Health Mission.
- (b) National Commission on Population.
- (c) Reproductive and Child Health
- 19. Inter-sectoral coordination in accordance with the National Population Policy.
- 20. Matters related to Janasankhya Sthiarta Kosh and Empowered Action Group.
- 21. Organisation and direction of education, training and research in all aspects of family welfare including higher training abroad.
- 22. Production and supply of aids to Family Planning.
- 23. Liaision with foreign countries and international bodies as regards matters relating to family welfare. 24. Family Welfare Schemes and projects with external assistance.
- 25. International Institute of Population Sciences, Mumbai.
- 26. Development and production of audiovisual aids, extensional education and information in relation to population and family welfare.
- 27. Promoting Public Private Partnership for the Family Welfare Programme.
- 28. All Matters relating to following Institutions:-
- (a) Hindustan Latex Limited, Thiruvananthapuram.
- (b) National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi.
- 29. Implementation of Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, 1994 (57 of 1994) – Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 (34 of 1971).
B. Department of Health Research (Swasthya Anusandhan Vibhag)
- 1. Promotion and co-ordination of basic, applied and clinical research including clinical trials and operational research in areas related to medical, health, biomedical and medical profession and education through development of infrastructure, manpower and skills in cutting edge areas and management of related information thereto.
- 2. Promote and provide guidance on research governance issues, including ethical issues in medical and health research.
- 3. Inter-sectoral coordination and promotion of public - private - partnership in medical, bio-medical and health research related areas.
- 4. Advanced training in research areas concerning medicine and health, including grant of fellowships for such training in India and abroad.
- 5. International co-operation in medical and health research, including work related to international conferences in related areas in India and abroad.
- 6. Technical support for dealing with epidemics and natural calamities.
- 7. Investigation of outbreaks due to new and exotic agents and development of tools for prevention.
- 8. Matters relating to scientific societies and associations, Charitable and religious endowments in medicine and health research areas.
- 9. Coordination between organizations and institutes under the Central and State Governments in areas related to the subjects entrusted to the Department and for the promotion of special studies in medicine and health.
- 10. Indian Council of Medical Research.