Home>>Major Programmes>>Non Communicable Diseases Injury Trauma>>Non Communicable Disease II>>National Programme for Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Diseases (NP-NCD) Guidelines
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Diseases (NP-NCD) Guidelines
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Non Communicable Diseases (NP-NCD) Guidelines (6.78 MB)
Operational Guidelines for NALFD Version 2.0 (4.95 MB)
Training Module for Medical Officers for Prevention and Control of NAFLD (2.99 MB)
Guidelines for Prevention and Managment of Stroke (4.47 MB)
Operational Guidelines of NPCDCS (Revised - 2013-17) (915.56 KB)
National Multisectoral Action Plan (NMAP) for Prevention and Control of Common NCDs (2017-22) (3.07 MB)
National Framework for Joint TB-Diabetes Collaborative Activities (6.47 MB)
Handbook for Counselors - Reducing Risk Factors for NCDs (4.17 MB)
Training Module for Medical Officers for Prevention, Control and Population Level Screening of NCDs (1.28 MB)
Flip Chart -My Health is My Responsibility (4.08 MB)
Module for ASHA on Non-communicable Diseases (4.69 MB)
Module for Multi-Purpose Workers - Prevention, Screening and Control of Common NCDS (1.38 MB)
Training Module for Staff Nurses on Population Based Screening of Common NCDs (1.58 MB)
Operational Framework Management of Common Cancers (1.11 MB)
Operational Guidelines on Prevention, Screening and Control of Common NCDs (697.25 KB)
Training Manual for Medical Officers on Reducing Risk Factors of NCDs (8.29 MB)
Traning Manual for Community Health Workers on Reducing Risk Factors of NCDs (8.64 MB)