Archive Recruitment Rules

Recruitment Rules
S.No. Title Document Validity
41 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post ol "Senior Perfusionist" in respect of Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi. 28-07-2024
42 Framing of Recruitment Rules to the post of "Deputy Director (Accounts)" in respect of Safadarjung Hospital, New Delhi 25-07-2024
43 Framing of recruitment rules for the post of Assistant Director (Official Language), Level10 at AllPMR, Mumbai 23-07-2024
44 Recruitment Rules of Medical Laboratory Technologist (MLT) in CGHS 21-06-2024
45 Amendment in Recruitment Rules to the post of "Stenographer Grade-II" in respect of Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi. 18-07-2024
46 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of ''Assistant'' together/combindly in respect of all 4 Central Govt. Hospitals such as SJH, Dr, RMLH, LHMC & Associated Hospitals and KSCH, New Delhi. 14-07-2024
47 Farming of Recruitment Rules combinedly/together in respect of all Central Govt. Hospitals for the post of ''Deputy Chief Physiotherapist'' in respect of Dr. RMLH, SJH and LHMC/SSKH-KSCH, New Delhi. 13-07-2024
48 Framing of Recruitment Rules for for the posts of Dietician in RHTC Hospital. 20-07-2024
49 Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the post of Wad Attendant (Male and Female) at Central institute of Psychiatry (ClP), Ranchi 30-06-2024
50 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of ''Administrative Officer together/combindly in respect of all 4 Central Govt. Hospitals such as SJH, Dr. RMLH , LHMC & Associated Hospitals and KSCH, New Delhi 21-06-2024
51 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of ''Senior Perfusionist'' in respect of Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi 21-06-2024
52 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of ''Assistant Administrative Officer" together/combindly in respect of all 4 Central Govt. Hospitals such as SJH, Dr. RMLH , LHMC & Associated Hospitals and KSCH, New Delhi. 15-06-2024
53 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of '' Upper Division Clerk and Lower Division Clerk'' in respect of all Central Government Hospitals of New Delhi including RHTC Najafgarh. 30-05-2024
54 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of ,, Physiotherapist" in Kalawati Saran Childem's Hospitals, New Delhi. 30-05-2024
55 Amendment in Recruitment Rules together/combindly for the post of "Senior Administsative Officer" in respect of Safdarjung Hospitals and Lady Hardinge Medical Coll & Associated Hos IS New Delhi 30-05-2024
56 Draft Amended Requirement Rules (RRs) for the post of Multi Tasking Staff for comments of stakeholders 22-05-2024
57 Amendment of RRs of the Post of Stenographer Grade-I, Level-6 at AllPMR, Mumbai. 04-05-2024
58 Framing of RRs for the posts of Principal Private Secretary (level-ll), Private Secretary (level-08) and Stenographer (level-06) under CDSCO-reg. 01-05-2024
59 Framing of Recruitment Rules for the post of "Chief Physiotherapist" Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi. 21-04-2024
60 RRs for the Post of Administrative Officer ,BCGVL,Chennai 22-03-2024
