RTI Act for Ministry


17 items(manuals) prescribed in clause (b) sub-section 1 of Section 4 which every
public authority is required to publish within one hundred and twenty days from the
enactment of this Act.

1.Particulars of Ministry of Health & Family Walfare's organisation, functions and duties..

Organisational Chart of Department of Health and Family Welfare

Functions and Duties of Department of Health and Family Welfare

The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare comprises the following departments:

The Department of Health & Family Welfare deals with medical and public health matters including drug control and prevention of food adulteration as well as Family Welfare programmes aimed at population stabilization consistent with the requirements of economic growth, social development and environmental protection.

Transaction of work at different levels is carried on in the Department in accordance with the Transaction of Business Rules and other Govt orders/instructions issued from time to time.

(a) Central Govt. Health Scheme

The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare follows Department of Personnel & Trainings Manual of Office Procedure, rules/regulations/instructions issued by the Ministry of Health & FW, etc. 

The documents held by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare are: Annual Report, Performance Budget and Detailed Demands for Grants of the Ministry.

The particulars of any arrangement that exits for consultation with or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof

There is a Central Council of Health & Family Welfare under the chairmanship of the Minister for health & FW comprising the Health Ministers of State Governments/UTs, MPs, non-officials representing health organizations and public bodies and certain eminent individuals. It is the apex policy formulating body in the field of health and family welfare in all its aspects for recommending broad lines of policy to the Centre and the States.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India comprises 22 Members besides Chairperson Minutes of FSSAI are uploaded on its website from time to time i.e fssai.gov.in

    • Nomination of Transparency Officer under RTI Act 2005- Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi. (385.25 KB)