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S No. Title Link Document
1 MTP Amendment Rules 2024
2 MTP Amendment Rules 2021
3 MTP Amendment Act 2021
4 Notification for MTP Amendment Act 2021
5 Pharmacy Act, 1948
6 National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Profession Rules, 2021
7 Draft of the Bill (Health lnstitutions of National lmportance Bill, 2023)
8 The National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Act, 2023
9 The National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Act, 2021
    10 Public Notice regarding amendment of Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954
    11 Notification of the Mental healthcare (Rights of Persons with Mental Illness) Rules, 2018
    12 Notification of the Mental Healthcare (State Mental Health Authority) Rules, 2018
    13 Notification of the Mental Healthcare (Central Mental Health Authority and Mental Health Review Boards) Rules, 2018
    14 Notification for appointing date on which the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017 comes into force
    15 Transplantation of Human Organs Acts
    16 Gazette Notification dated 17 7 2012 published on directions of the Punjab & Haryana High Court in CWP No 1332 of 2010 Vyakti Vikas Kender Vs Union Of India & others
      17 Food Safety and Standards Act
      18 Medical Termination of Pregnancy Acts
        19 Clinical Establishments Act OTA PPP HI
          20 Transplantation of Human Organs Acts and Rules
            21 Gazette Notification dated 17-7-2012
            22 Notification of tobacco Control Act 1 sep 2004
            23 Notification of Tobacco Control Act 2003
            24 The Epidemic Disease Act 1897
            25 Tobacco Control Act 2003
            26 Gazette notifications regarding PNDT
            27 Annual statement of subordinate legislation framed under the drugs and cosmetics act ,1940 during the year 2002
            28 The Lady Hardinge Medical College and Hospital (Acquisition) and Miscellaneous Provisons Act 1977