Archive Recruitment Rules

Recruitment Rules
S.No. Title Document Validity
21 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Library Clerk'' and '' Library Attendant'' in respect of LHMC & SSKH, New Delhi. 22-10-2024
22 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Chief Sanitary Superintendent, Sanitary Superintendent, and Sanitary Inspector in SJH Delhi 18-10-2024
23 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of ''Senior Physiotherapist" respect of Dr, RMLH Hospital New Delhi. 18-10-2024
24 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of Senior Physiotherapist in respect of Safdaqung Hospital New Delhi 18-10-2024
25 Framing of Recruitment Rules for the post of "Chief PhysiotheraPist" in Safdarjung Hospital , New Delhi 09-10-2024
26 Framing of Recruitnent Rules to the post of Opthatnic Assistant/ Refractionist, RHTC Hospital 10-10-2024
27 Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the post of Director National lnstitute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi 02-10-2024
28 Framing of Recruitment Rules to the post of Medical Laboratory Technologist, RHTC Hospital. 10-10-2024
29 Framing of Recruitment Rules to the post of Dental Assistant/Technician/Hygienist, RHTC Hospital 10-10-2024
30 Framing of Recruitment Rules to the post of Radiographer, RHTC Hospital 10-10-2024
31 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of ''Senior Physiotherapist '' in respect of Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital New Delhi. 19-09-2024
32 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of ''Photographer'' in respect of Lady Hardinge Medical Collage & Smt. Sucheta Kriplani Hospital, New Delhi. 11-09-2024
33 Amendment of Recruitment Rules for the post of Deputy Drugs Controller (lndia) Group-'A' in CDSCO. 08-09-2024
34 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of ''Medical Photographer'' in respect of Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. 07-09-2024
35 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of ''Counselor '' in respect of Lady Hardinge Medical College and Smt Sucheta Kriplani Hospital New Delhi 05-09-2024
36 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of ''Clinical Embryologist'' in Lady Hardinge Medical College and Smt Sucheta Kriplani Hospital New Delhi. 05-09-2024
37 Amendment in Recruitment Rules for the post of "Laboratory Technician (EEG)" in respect Safdarjung Hospitals, New Delhi. 29-08-2024
38 Amendment of RRs to the Post of Medical Laboratory Technologist in AIIPMR, Mumbai. 25-08-2024
39 नई दिल्ली में "जूनियर परफ्यूज़निस्ट" के पद के लिए भर्ती नियम, सफदरजंग अस्पताल 11-08-2024
40 Recruitment Rules for the post of "Junior Perfusionist" in Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi. 11-08-2024
